about us
WKU World is an International Professional and Amateur Martial Arts Organization
under the umbrella of the Global Combat Sports Organization. WKU World has more
than 19,000 Members from 50 countries in our WKU World database. Additionally, we
count around 35,000 non-registered members. Our aim is to promote good quality
events and fair competition, bringing people together and to spread Martial Arts all over
the world
GCO and WKU World are headquartered in Germany. The head of the GCO and
WKU World Organizations is World Kickboxing Champion Klaus Nonnemacher. The
WKU World USA organization is under the direction of World Champion Lori Lantrip
Stanley. WKU World is launching WKU World USA National Circuit. In the United
States, WKU World has been present for many years with yearly USA Team Trials.
WKU World USA has grown by leaps and bounds for the last several years. WKU World
USA is now launching a National Circuit in 2023 to accommodate our USA members
and competitors who would like to join us.